An Evening of Poetry and Song
Available for your event: Concerts of elegant salon music ranging from passionate 19th century art song and opera arias to charming Victorian parlor songs, French mélodies and songs of the golden age American musical theatre.
Sophisticated concert repertoire for soprano and pianist chosen to suit the event. Poetic translations are provided, and commentary on the songs by both pianist and singer available upon request. Duet recitals with two singers also available.
The artists would require a spacious room or intimate concert hall with a good piano, and an audience interested in an evening of song.
Recent Programs:
Voici des fruits, des fleurs!
Songs and arias by Rachmaninoff, Debussy and Charpentier performed by Debra Vanderlinde and pianist Dan Franklin Smith
Nur die Liebe ist wach…Only love is awake
story in eleven poems by Mörike, Goethe, Eichendorff, Storm, von Gilm, Rellstab and Reinick
set to music by Wolf, Strauss, Schubert and Berg
performed by Debra Vanderlinde and pianist Dan Franklin Smith
Spring Sojourn: Songs and duets in celebration of spring
with sopranos Debra Vanderlinde and Marguerite Krull and pianist, Craig Ketter
When Icicles Hang by the wall: Celebration of autumn turning to winter
solos and duets by Mendelssohn, Schubert, Ives, Argento, Chausson, Fauré, Bemberg, Chaminade, Wolf, Dvorak and Arthur Goring Thomas
sung by sopranos Debra Vanderlinde and Marguerite Krull with pianist Milos Repicky
Spring Wind: Songs and duets by Mendelssohn, Fauré, Massenet, Duparc, Thiman and A. Thomas
sung by sopranos Debra Vanderlinde and Marguerite Krull with pianist Milos Repicky